My Help My Hope Foundation
Our mission is dedicated to breaking the silence, eliminating domestic violence, empowering, and supporting survivors, develop and promote accessible, culturally relevant, and trauma-informed responses to domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, homelessness, and other lifetime traumas so that survivors and their children can access the resources to grow and obtain self-sufficiency that is essential to their safety and well-being.
MyHelpMyHope, hopes that one day people in our community will live free from violence and have homes that are abuse free. MyHelpMyHope understands the causes of homelessness, domestic violence, sexual assault, and human sex trafficking are profound and varied. Many of our clients have experienced just one of these issues, while others have faced all four. MyHelpMyHope, works to break the cycles of poverty and violence through every interaction we have with our clients.
Since 2011, MyHelpMyHope has provided emergency shelter, support services, and community outreach to victims of violence, human sex trafficking, and homelessness across Hampton Roads. The families and individuals we assist receive support through advocacy, our programs Operation School Uniform, Operation Wish List, and resources. Thousands of families, together with our community, MyHelpMyHope put people on paths to brighter futures. We offer these services free from discrimination based on ethnicity, language, race, age, ability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, family status, income, immigrant or refugee status, nationality, place of birth, political or religious affiliation. Violence does not discriminate, and neither do we.
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